Whenever anybody's wondering about some obscure fact ( for instance: Who was Saint Louis?) 每当有人对某个模糊的事实比方对圣路易是什么人?
Wong Tai Sin Multi-service Centre for the Elderly [ SKH Diocesan Welfare Council] Saint Louis was the end of civilization. 黄大仙老人社区中心〔圣公会教区福利协会〕对他们来说,圣路易就是文明社会的尽头。
Part of Saint Louis, Missouri, held almost four weeks of parties and celebrations. 圣路易斯州部分地区和密苏里州举行了几乎为期四周的各种晚会和庆祝活动。
Zane will attend Saint Louis University in Missouri and major in biology this fall. 何展翔将就读于密苏里州的圣路易斯大学攻读生物学。
Few white people had ever been further than Saint louis. 几乎没有白人到过比圣路易斯更远的地方。
Just a short drive east of Saint Louis, and across the Mississippi into Illinois, is America's first city. 从圣路易斯驾车往东不远,越过密西西比河进入伊利诺伊州,就到了美国的第一座城市。
For the past four years, Al Wiman has organized a monthly science caf é for the Saint Louis Science Center in Missouri. 在过去的四年里,艾。维曼每月在密苏里州为圣路易斯科学中心举行一次科学咖啡馆。
By the year eighteen thirty, he had traveled to Saint Louis, Missouri. 在1830年之前,他已经游遍了圣路易和密苏里州。
Today, Saint Louis is a huge modern city. 今天,圣路易斯已经是一个现代化的大都市。
Saint Louis was the end of civilization. 对他们来说,圣路易就是文明社会的尽头。
Today, it is possible to drive an automobile from Saint Louis, Missouri to Astoria, Oregon and back again in a few days. 今天,我们完全可以在几天内驾车往返于密苏里州的圣路易斯和俄勒冈州的阿斯托里亚之间。
The longest river in the United States; arises in Montana and flows southeastward to become a tributary of the Mississippi at Saint Louis. 美国境内最长的河流;发源于蒙大纳州,流向东南,在圣路易成为密西西比河的一条支流。
An old man, decorated with the cross of Saint Louis, now rose and proposed the health of King Louis XVIII. 一个佩戴着圣路易十字勋章的老人站了起来,他提议为国王路易十八的健康干杯。
Saint Louis University researchers have identified a novel way of getting a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease and stroke into the brain where it can do its work. 美国圣路易斯大学研究人员研究出一种新疗法可潜入大脑治疗阿尔茨海默氏症和中风。
Flew in polish from Saint Louis for her nails. 从圣路易斯空运的指甲油。
Law professor Joel Goldstein at Saint Louis University in Missouri is an expert on the vice presidency. 密苏尔圣德。路易斯大学的法学教授乔尔哥尔德斯登是一位研究副总统职位的专家。
She said she used to be a copin Saint louis. 她说她曾是圣路易的警察。
The Saint Louis, Mo., waterfront crowded with steamboats at the start of President William H.Taft's inspection trip down the Mississippi River, Oct.1909. 在圣路易斯,密苏里州,与在塔夫脱总统威廉H之沿着密西西比河,1909年10月开始考察轮船拥挤的海滨。
And Illinois will recreate the arrival of Lewis and Clark in Saint Louis. 和伊利诺伊州将举行活动,再现刘易斯和克拉克到达圣路易市的场景。
I guess I should head back to Saint louis. 我想我该回圣路易市了。
The city of Saint Louis was a popular starting point for settlers traveling to the American West. 圣路易城开始掀起了殖民者向美国西部移民的趋势。
So, in1976, WashingtonUniversity added the words "in Saint louis" to its name. 所以,1976年,华盛顿大学在校名中增加“圣路易斯”几个字。
Chuck Berry, one can see even I, every so often in the facility of Saint Louis I saw him a year or two ago, playing guitar and doing something approximating a dog walk. 很多人都看过Chuck,Berry表演,我也经常看,就在一两年前,我在圣路易斯,看到他弹着吉他,做着舞步,有点像一只狗在走路。
However, a recent study by researchers at Saint Louis University has shown that robot dogs are as good as real ones in alleviating the suffering of old people on the brink of extinction. 然而,圣路易斯大学研究者们进行的一项最近研究显示,机器狗在减轻垂危老年人痛苦上和真狗一样好。
Designed by Eero Saarinen, the Saint Louis Gateway Arch is an example of Neo-expressionist architecture. 由埃罗沙里宁设计的圣路易斯大拱门,是一个新表现主义建筑的例子。
Third Olympiad is in USA Saint Louis University of Washington. 第三届奥运会在美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学。
Bert Barry, Ph.D.is Director of International Services at Saint Louis University. 伯特•巴里博士是圣路易斯大学的国际学生办公室主任。
Objective To study the prevalence and management status of osteoporosis in a sample of nursing home residents in Saint Louis of USA. 【目的】探讨美国圣路易斯州入住疗养院者骨质疏松的患病及防治状况。